Guest Visit On The “Thrifting For Profit” Podcast!
I had the great honor today of joining Debra Conrad and Beth Sawickie as a guest on the “Thrifting For Profit” Podcast! We had a great time talking about: Textbooks, Media, Video games and general thrifting advice. Here is a direct link to listen to the Podcast (I apologize in advance for my slightly muffled phone during the first half of the show):
I currently have between 80%-90% of my inventory in products purchased from thrift stores. The reason is plain and simple…I can get more “bang for my buck” and “stretch my dollars”. It is easy to purchase products for cheap from thrift stores and sell for more than 5 times the purchase price (5 times is a base profit margin from thrift stores!). Beth and Debra have wrote what I consider the “Thrifting Bible” for selling on Amazon.
The name of the book is “Thrifting For Profit – The Amazon Way”! If you would like to learn how to achieve the same types of gains and shorten your learning curve please check out their book here:
Although the link is an affiliate link I believe that someone reading this book (and the included bonuses) could get an education that can take years off of your learning curve of making great money from thrift stores…I wish I would have had it when I started!
It would be great to hear what thought of the podcast. Please share in the comment section below!
-Rob Anderson
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2 Responses to Guest Visit On The “Thrifting For Profit” Podcast!
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Hi Rob – I really enjoyed the podcsst. Unfortunately as you mentioned, parts were really hard to hear. I could hear some parts a little more clearly on the second pass-through. If there are any nuggets you feel were really muffled – maybe you could share those in a future video? Thanks!
Hi Kent,
Sorry about that! I will listen to the show again and see if there is anything that needs to be put into a video. Thanks for listening to the Podcast and commenting!
Best Regards,
Rob Anderson