Feedback Genius!

on Feb 9, 16

IMPROVE YOUR FEEDBACK ON AMAZON!!! This is an AWESOME service that can help you to INCREASE YOUR FEEDBACK ON AMAZON! I really wish I would have started with this service sooner! I receive MUCH MORE FEEDBACK now that I use Feedback Genius! GET A 30 DAY FREE TRIAL BY CLICKING: “Join Here Now!” Button at the right!

Feedback Genius sends emails to people that have purchased your Amazon products at two different times:

  1. When the item ships from Amazon (as a courtesy email).
  2. After they have received the item to insure they were happy with their purchase.

These emails are able to be customized to fit your needs and reflect your business! Try it out FREE FOR 30 DAYS by clicking the “Join Here Now!” Button at the right and WATCH YOUR FEEDBACK SCORE GROW!

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